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The Alaska Highway - A Road of Wilderness Mystique - From Dawson Creek to Fairbanks

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The black bear interrupts its roadside foraging to remarked reproachfully at the intruders. The bus driver has slowed down so that we can gape. His cry alerting the passengers is one we hear often on the Alaska Highway, and not just for bear sighting.

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Dall sheep, standing out in great white against rocky mountain slopes. Moose, elk, grizzlies in the distance. A lone wolf slouching over our path. Caribou sighting becomes old hat.

Polar Flow Link

The highway is exploding with life and color and the salmon are running. Once, as our Greyhound bus skirts a river, we see a bald eagle swoop down on the water, talons outstretched. For a brief second it rises with a huge salmon in its vice-like grip. The salmon's struggle and its sheer weight drags the eagle into the river. Hunter and prey absolutely come to be submerged.

Polar Flow Link and The Alaska Highway - A Road of Wilderness Mystique - From Dawson Creek to Fairbanks
The Polar Flow Link.

As suddenly as it had vanished, the eagle resurfaces, fully doused but grimly hanging on to its catch. Barely able to flap its wings, it fights its way out of the water, never releasing its hold on the salmon.

The driver tells us he had seen similar encounters - but then anything is inherent along this road of wilderness mystique. The Alaska Highway's distance alone is daunting - 2,378 kilometers.

It is a picture postcard of spectacular scenery. As the road moves north and west, the landscape changes from sprawling grainfields to a more rugged enormous land, filled with white-capped rivers, turquoise lakes and ice-blue glaciers. Excellent northern forests are full of wildlife and wildflowers.

The land is also a mosaic of population who run lodges, fly bush planes, man gas rigs and drive trucks.

Travelers meet old-timers like Dean (Old Griz) Elston, who teaches "cheechakos" (greenhorns) how to pan for gold at Kluane Wilderness hamlet in the Yukon.

Old Griz himself is a "sourdough", the affectionate name giving to old-timers. There is only one way for a cheechako to come to be a sourdough: watch the river ice in the fall and stay to see the ice brake into milling pieces in the spring. Old Griz, one of the bulldozer operators who helped build the Alaska Highway in 1942, has some tall tales to tell.

The road was concluded in an remarkable eight months, probably the greatest engineering feat since the construction of the Panama Canal. The task was a wartime venture. The highway associated Alaska to the rest of the United States and could have served as a way to move soldiery if Japan had attacked the territory. It also served as an overland route to provide the chain of gravel airstrips over northern Canada and Alaska that in case,granted crisis landing facilities for the 8,000 warplanes ferried to the Soviet Union.

At the peak of its construction, about 11,000 Us soldiers and 7,500 civilians with 11,000 pieces of equipment built the road at a frenetic pace of 13 kilometers a day, sometimes in temperatures of minus 40 degrees Celsius.

It was a hard life. The men had to build 133 bridges and 8,000 culverts. Machinery snapped, ice jams rammed pilings, flash floods ripped out bridges after heavy rainfall or rapid glacial melts, bottomless muskeg swallowed trucks and bulldozers.

Slowly, a rough, rutted track took shape, forging a highway over marshes and bogs, through forests, over five mountains and through river canyons.

The road-builders were plagued by huge mosquitoes and blackflies. A popular story is that they built two airfields at Whitehorse: one for aircraft, the other for mosquitoes. One old-timer swears that on one opening person mistook a mosquito for a float plane and tried to refuel it.

The Alaska Highway is still a wilderness road today, but many of the curves have been straightened and the two-lane highway is paved. There is occasional evidence of human habitation - hamlets tucked away among the trees, a knot of log cabins, a roadside cafe or motel - but for the most part it's a pretty lonely road.

Every year about 200,000 trip its length. We chose the easy way - we "rode the dog", and let the Greyhound Bus drivers do the work.

The journey started at Dawson Creek in northern British Columbia, Canada, where the illustrious Mile Zero sign post is a magnet for tourists. The bus pointed its nose down the long, narrow ribbon of highway and over the first 900 kilometers threaded its way through serene, undulating prairies.

After Fort Nelson came the Rockies. The Highway passes through two provincial parks and through rustic communities like Summit Lake and Toad River. Then it winds through the valley of the Liard River and along an old Indian and fur-trading trail.

When the Greyhound approached Watson Lake, we were in the Yukon, where the sun shines for at least 20 hours a day for much of the summer.

The bus stopped within yards of the Sign Post Forest. Here, in 1942, a homesick soldier, working on the highway erected a sign pointing to his home town in Danville, Illinois. Over the years, others followed his lead and today there are 20,000 signs, of every shape and size, most of them "stolen" from their towns and cities.

After leaving Watson Lake, the Greyhound climbed beside the scenic Rancherie River, passing through the wide valleys of the Yukon mountain ranges to Whitehorse, Capital of the Yukon.

Whitehorse's structure are a happy mix of pioneer spirit and urban sophistication. Log cabins share streets with contemporary office buildings.

It's also littered with the history of the great Klondike gold rush. Whitehorse was one of the staging points for the 30,000 fortune-hunters who poured into the Dawson City area at the end of the 19th century.

The sternwheeler Ss Klondike now rests on the bank of the Yukon River. It and its sister ships were once the main lifeline linking Whitehorse and Dawson City.

The Yukon takes its name from an Indian word, "Yuchoo", which means "the greatest river". It's an suitable name for a river that flows through what is still a vast and unspoiled frontier, a latticework of wilderness rivers, lofty mountains and glaciers.

Much of the Yukon is still unserved by road. The only way in is to paddle, walk or fly in a float plane. There are just 30,000 population scattered over its 483,000 quadrilateral kilometers, but it is home also to more than 200,000 caribou, 50,000 moose, 25,000 thinhorn and stone sheep, 10,000 black bears, 500 wolves and 254 species of birds.

Beyond Whitehorse, the highway skirts the 22,000 square-kilometer Kluane National Park. Kluane is an Indian name for "a place of fishing", and its lakes and rivers teem with salmon and trout. At its heart lies a sea of ice - the largest non-polar icefields in the world - from which the huge glaciers flow through the valleys. From here the Alaska Highway makes a relatively flat run to Fairbanks.

Our bus made a stop at North Pole, a small town about 20 kilometers before Fairbanks. This is where the Us Post Office delivers all the mail it gets for Santa Claus. It's here that Santa's elves scramble to meet every Christmas wish - a place that makes dreams come true.

Dreams like ours - to drive the Alaska Highway.

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Love Star Signs, Libra - Your Star Sign Compatibility

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Libra is an air sign which has a determined polarity. Libra shares its air element with Gemini and Aquarius and this is a good place to begin seeing for star sign compatibility.

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Libra/Gemini.This match looks set to be a good one. You will be the best of friends as you have so much in common. You are both influenced by the intellectual and there will be many intriguing debates. You both like to be busy although Gemini could be a diminutive too active even for you at times. Sexually you will connect without any problems

Polar Flow Link

Best match: Gemini born 22 to 30 May

Polar Flow Link and Love Star Signs, Libra - Your Star Sign Compatibility
The Polar Flow Link.

Love star sign rating:It's a hot one!

Libra/Aquarius.This is a good pairing for Librans. You will feed an immediate connection with Aquarius which could have a magical feel. Discussions will be many and assorted but never boring! You are both sociable and love company. Aquarius may be just a diminutive too permissive even for you with their relaxed attitude to sex but you will be vibrant together.

Best match: Aquarius born 1 to 9 Feb

Love star sign rating:Heading for orbit!

Next we must look to compatible elements to find star sign matches. Air is compatible with fire and fire contains: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Libra/Aries.There are a lot of differences in the middle of you and Aries. The ram is bold and forceful and not afraid to make decisions. You will hesitate to succeed them as they jump into things before you can analyze them. This may cause Aries to interrogate your loyalties. Sexually there could be a lot of fire in the middle of you if Aries has the patience to wait for you to warm up.

Best match: Aries born 21 to 29 March

Love star sign rating:Could be tricky!

Libra/Leo.There will be a lot of emotional warmth in the middle of the two of you and sexual fire too. You are sociable and outgoing and you love company and Leo will love you for all of this as they like to be at the centre of all that is going on. There will be a very strong bond in the middle of you both and sexually you will be galvanic together.

Best match; Leo born 23 July to 2 Aug

Love star sign rating:Fireball!

Libra/Sagittarius.Life will be easy for you with a Sagittarius. Conversation will flow and your minds will seem linked together. There will be lots of love and excitement and if you tour together you will go far! Sexually you will be loving and intimate but Sag must be inpatient with you as you are not so free natured as they are.

Best match: Sagittarius born 1 to 11 Dec

Love star sign rating: Orbiting together!

The next star sign match to check out is with Libra itself. This is known as the conjunction pairing.

Libra/Libra.Conjunction pairings can be a problem. You will have respect for each other of procedure but being so alike in character means that every day decision manufacture may be difficult. Sort these things out and you will save a lot of problems. There will be much happiness as you both are full of easy going charisma and Venus your ruling planet will keep you smiling together. Sexually there will be love and intimacy overflowing.

Best match: You could do well with any Libran

Love star sign rating:High possibilities!

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Web Traffic - Web 2-0 Has Made It Much Easier To Direct It To Your Website

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You've perhaps heard the saying that without web traffic you're nobody online! Unfortunately that saying is true, because online
traffic is a euphemism (translates) for visitors. Without visitors to your site you're never going to make the sale. It is clearly illustrated by this scenario; you may have the world's best invention or goods that could absolutely turn the world upside down overnight but if nobody knows about it, nobody cares about it!
Business folklore is peppered with tales of geniuses who died penniless and in squalor (all the while sitting on a goldmine of an invention) just because they couldn't get the communal concerned in their product.

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As an online entrepreneur you are somewhat in the same dilemma, getting people to that great site of yours:

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In a nutshell you need web traffic or your online company is as good as dead! Here's why:

Polar Flow Link and Web Traffic - Web 2-0 Has Made It Much Easier To Direct It To Your Website
The Polar Flow Link.

Traffic = Visitors to your site or blog

Visitors = potential Buyers

Active Buyers = Profit

Profit = prosperous Business

The varied Types of Traffic

There's web traffic and then there's web traffic!

Social Media Web Traffic

Fortunately modern changes in internet trends have made it a lot easier to get internet traffic. These changes are due to the widely adopted transition to Web 2.0 and the explosion of communal media sites.

Web traffic from communal media sites is far easier to get than internet traffic from the quest engines but the downside is that this type of traffic is not as targeted as online traffic that originates from a typed query into a quest engine.

So what exactly do I mean when I say that it is not as targeted?

Well if you're are to think a anticipation who arrives to your website via a single keyword query typed into one of the quest engines such as Google, that single operation means that such a person is actively seeking more facts with regard to that topic. Such a visitor to your site is in what I think a proactive mindset related to that keyword! In other words they are ready to act upon facts related with that keyword.

Curiosity Prospects

In comparison a visitor arriving from your site from a communal media website was most likely drawn there by incidental curiosity. What that means is that that single visitor probably noticed an consuming record or post title of yours, with an equally consuming summary which related to your site. It was curiosity that led them to your site. Such visitors are what I term Curiosity Prospects!

Curiosity Prospects land on your website by emergency rather than straight through active query-word engagement on their part. Such a visitor is less likely to purchase anything you're selling because they didn't arrive with that mindset. This explains the strange phenomenon of link bait pieces that draw hundreds of thousands of visitors with very little conversion rates (i.e., few become buyers).

The Numbers Game

The driving force powering communal media websites is consuming information! Riveting articles that absolutely grab people's concentration
by the scruff of the neck! Thus getting any meaningful conversion rate from such Curiosity Prospects depends on a huge flow of traffic! The bottom line is that communal media web traffic is a numbers game revolving nearby link bait; an art that some internet marketers have perfected to precision.

There's a exact science to writing great link bait pieces, any way just like any other article, success of that aspiring link bait
piece hinges on the title or headline! When one thinks of communal media websites the word that immediately springs to mind (or at least it should) is Buzz!


A great link bait record has to originate a lot of buzz. In order to do that, the record should:

Stir controversy;

Be Breaking News of point in anything field;

Be well written;

Be polarizing;

Captivate or educate the reader;

Be witty or funny;

Be shocking (not disgusting mind you, there is a difference):

Be well formatted;

And lastly, the body text of the record should consequent straight through on the premise of its title in a logical absolutely graspable step-by-step fashion.

Buzz Transferring positive Seo Influence

So what, if anything are you getting from that Web 2.0 traffic, if those vast numbers of communal media Curiosity Prospects don't
convert into purchasers? Well the plain fact is, the sheer volume of traffic flowing to your website is soon going to get noticed by the quest engines which in turn will growth your ranking and positioning on those very same quest engines. By its very nature that increased positive concentration from the quest engines is going to get your website much closer to the holy grail of any online business⬦tons of web traffic from the quest engines!

Organic quest Traffic!

From experience and to my manner of thinking, this is hands down the best kind of web traffic but it is also by far the hardest to attain or get. When I say the best I mean as far as conversion rates go!

So what exactly is organic internet traffic? This is that online traffic that originates from a quest query conducted on the quest engines.

Say for example you're a anticipation who is finding to start an online home company what online actions could you take to find out such info? Well it is highly likely that the first thing you would do is query the quest engines (such as Google, Yahoo, Msn or with a keyword term that might be any of the following: internet business; internet marketing, home company or online marketing, etc.

The returned results for that query are what we refer to as organic listings;which are the websites listed in the Google Index (and the varied other quest engines). Obviously the higher the website is listed on the Google Index or Serps (search engine rank pages) the greater the chances of that website being picked by a searcher for the queried keyword they typed into the quest engine.

In reality you'd want your website to be listed on Page 1 or Page 2 of Google (as the largest quest engine Google shall be used as the default term for all the quest engines). And why would you wish to be on Page 1 or 2 of Google? Well pause a moment and think how often do you quest deeper than the first two pages for any online query.

I'm guessing rarely if ever do you go beyond Page 2,that's why you should aim to get your website listed no deeper than Page 2. Ideally any way the best position to have your site listed for any single keyword is the 1st listing on Google Page 1. any way that is in a exquisite world; but truth be told, once you are on Page 1 of Google you are made or at least your site/blog is!

Getting organic traffic is priceless because the person who typed in that keyword which ultimately led them to your site (via your listing on Google) is a deadly serious prospect. They are actively searching for anything branch your website is about. Such a person is the most likely candidate to purchase.

An added bonus is that such an personel is quite likely new to that branch matter which led them to your site and they obviously wish to growth their knowledge on that single topic. This type of anticipation is the best kind of visitor to get to your site because there is a very high probability they have not yet been tainted by the profusion of other sites out there covering the same branch matter as yours!

Traffic From record Directories

Submitting well written articles to record directories is another amazing way to get web traffic. The upshot to this method, as compared to communal media (Web 2.0) website submissions, is that you can avoid the time-consuming hassle of aggregating votes in order to get your articles sufficient exposure on those Web 2.0 sites to draw primary amounts of internet traffic.

Not only do consistent record directory submissions build your reputation (assuming your articles are absolutely worthy) you can build up quite a following. In fact some online marketing businesses have found superior success based solely upon record submissions to record directories!

And ultimately another way of getting online traffic is participating in online forums targeting your intended market.

Web Traffic

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10 Challenges within the Educational system

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1. There's always one answer to a question

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Throughout the process of partaking in systematized educational institutions, there's always a criterion that applies to all the taught knowledge - That there's an answer and it is absolute. Math shares the strongest characteristic of potential to freely pick how one goes about to arrive at the answer. Grammar rules have exceptions, but exceptions are also a form of indisputable truth. This does not mean that the questions, answers and methodologies change. They turn to new answers that once again ensue the criterion. Granted, they also turn at a futilely slow rate.

Polar Flow Link

More importantly, the education would comprise questions that are without definite, objectively true answers, but some distinct ones that make sense depending on the student's subjective perspective. Why is this of importance? The students get programmed that these questions are irrelevant since they are not spoken of. Accordingly, they have trouble living a life guided by personal values, ethics and patterns that assess with each person's own, innate orientation. The challenge is simply to allow and present more answers to young aspirants of life so that they know of more answers to pick from, that they previously did not know existed. Therefore, it may sometimes be far more prominent to request where an answer derives from, instead of how to reach it.

Polar Flow Link and 10 Challenges within the Educational system
The Polar Flow Link.

2. The crusade for proof

Strongly connected to the old challenge, academic education is in crusade of a proof, which then presents its scholars the confidence that the proof is fact. This may give rise to the notion that all personal growth pursuits in life should ensue this same pattern. However, in some fields of personal advancement, one should answer that a unavoidable confidence or faith is the starting point, thus resulting in an thinkable, or unexpected form of proof. The proof will then shape its possessor's perspective on the matter in a unavoidable way whether through subscribing to the new confidence because it is useful and productive, or discarding it with the personal upgrade of understanding, that it amounts to less or no value in life. By narrowing a someone down to only accepting the health of "Show me the proof, and then I believe.", the personel is limiting oneself from higher understanding on the realms of spirituality, theism, metaphysics, intuition, varying levels of consciousness within and beyond the ego, and the function, progression and meaning of life and death.

3. You should not cooperate in order to learn

This is a challenge that arises from how tests are conducted. I'm not saying it to be wrong for students to learn a sense of independence and responsibility from construction a self referential database of knowledge. But ask any thriving personel from any field of knowledge and they will state that especially in situations requiring crucial decisions, it is best to consult a mastermind council than to trust that the personel mind knows best or best. This goes for individuals who are aware of the power of mastermind councils that calibrate at an equal to higher level of consciousness, understanding and experience.

4. Group think and conformity

When all think alike, there's not really any mental going on. There's an benefit behind every person using the same grammar rules, scientific definitions and numeral base system. But that does not mean that the current grammar, definitions and decimal system are the most optimal ones to use. Additionally, this is a request not connected to the educational arena, but to the collective one, creating an unhealthy norm of conformity with regard to behaviour, looks, fashion, materialism and mind-sets. The educational setting should form a plaza with unavoidable radiation where equality does not exclude diversity.

5. Being afraid or embarrassed to ask questions

This is a symptom of the old challenge. Request questions is a skill. The more you do it, the best questions you're able to ask, producing knowledge of improved quality. The continuous loop of understanding and knowledge that is transferred in in the middle of citizen is the key foundation of hereafter growth as a humanitarian, scientific, spiritual, wealthy and wholesome society. Therefore, the courage and will to ask questions is an needful changeable in this equation. That 13-year old, bullied girl with low self-esteem may not grasp this revelation because her understanding of herself is that she is mentally and intellectually fault compared to others and is supposed to adapt instead of break free from her internal chains of anxiety.

6. The lack of financial education

The processes of generating and allocating money may sound trifling and inessential, but this view is shared mostly by those not grasping the opposite, that it is a very prevalent and ubiquitous potential producing lifetime impacts. Educating the very basics of sound money supervision like leverage, delayed and instant gratification, assets and liabilities, good debt and bad debt, good wage and bad income, good expenses and bad expenses, unavoidable and negative compounding, cash flow and capital gains, the three vehicles of investments and how to part wealth, to name a few, would bring up efficient results and a healthier perspective on money. It is the medium of replacement that has yet to see a best substitute, is the realization of in case,granted value and by itself is inherently neither good nor bad. simply put, what money is used for reveals each person's appraised value of themselves. Only education has the power to shift financial ignorance into financial intelligence - whether done proactively or through painful lessons, which unfortunately may still keep the solutions obscured.

7. The lack of consciousness and self-help education

Closely connected to the first two topics, personal growth is not a one-solution-fits-all form of science or branch of investigation. But simply discussing the numerous variations and alternatives of how to heighten ones self-acting, -assertion, -command, -confidence, -consciousness, -control, -criticism, -dependence, -determination, -esteem, -examination, -knowledge, -possession, -praise, -respect, -restraint, -sufficiency, -support, and -will has an impact, if not for the known mind of a young student, then in the subconscious mind waiting to flourish once reality starts to present itself as shades of gray instead of definite answers of black or white. This in turn raises the request of equilibrium in the middle of aid to self and aid to others. citizen cannot serve others with a greater magnitude and understanding than they are aware and capable of serving themselves. This is why the size of self-growth is the bar for how well a someone can serve society and humanity, and is the traditional in this causality (if you think in terms of causality). What the raise of personal and universal consciousness does, is raise the whole fundamental equilibrium of aid into higher levels of influential power.

8. How not to diminish creativity

As it is now, the educational system favours left-brain measuring and analyzing over right-brain creativity and visualization. However, order and chaos in the mind ought to synergistically feed each other for improved input and output. As Bohm theorized there to be two universes, one underground from our five sense and one distinguishable and definable by them, so does the right side of the brain use foresight and creativity to dream great architectural, musical, artistic, literary and cinematographic feats while the left brain uses the technicality, science, patterns and measures to materialize them into the tangible world. While one does not have to be completely ambidextrous in the mind, understanding of the interdependency of both sides of creation is of basic meaning. Thus, the current strong polarization of brain performance in schools is sub-optimal.

9. The 9 to 5 mentality

While the majority of citizen are simply inclined to do things right, as they are told and when they are told, the educational system nourishes this behaviour to every person attending. I'm not saying there is whatever wrong with this mentality. But as there are citizen strongly characterized by doing the right things, on their own accord, in level with their internal advancement, their orientation and meaning are clouded until the restraints of inefficient systematization are perceived as relatively weak adequate to break free from - in order to generate something new and improved. Again, equality and diversion can and are supposed to exist simultaneously and no human is worth more or less regardless of the point of observation.

10. The will to learn

The greatest challenge of them all is, how does one growth the youth's interest and will to learn? The revising of results in this type influences the other nine topics more than the nine separately sway the others. The potential for teachers to inspire a pupil to become a lifelong pupil has long been failing. Just part the amount of knowledge that is still remembered after a month has passed from the point of learning. Even students themselves may come to the conclusions that in order to input knowledge, an additional one part of knowledge is automatically discarded. Or that at a given age, the intellectual capacity has reached a boundary, futile to try to expand.

Conclusively, one cannot discuss the matter of education without bringing parenting into the equation. Therefore, I want to pinpoint the irony of parents fighting against a school system that would address greater endeavor in enhancing the 10 challenges discussed in this article, and yet not focus on delivering and discussing these issues of greater wisdom to and with the child themselves. This is why I wanted to write this record - to answer the need that at least one of the sources of knowledge and understanding takes the responsibility of bringing forth the uniqueness and greatness that lies within every child that exists. There is no greater way for a child to express their gratitude towards both knowledge and their parents than to say out loud that they really appreciate that at least one of these sources are and were present in partially creating and supporting their worldview and reality.

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Christianity's Marginalizaion in the West and Its Link to the Enlightenment Age's Philosophies

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The devastating work of the Enlightenment Period's philosophies and their jarring conspiracy to destroy the Christian religion is a shocking travesty from the quaint showroom of history. This strange, obscure historical period fostered a dramatic polarization in the middle of good and evil that easily turned Western civilization on its head. Since the fall of the Roman Empire, no one in his right mind dared challenge the authority of the Christian religion; consequently, the Christian worldview was the supreme law of the land. Rome's brash, bombastic emperors; who viewed themselves as gods, did exertion to defy the irrefragable authority of the Christian religion's gospel message. They fed Christians to hungry lions; they beheaded and crucified many of the apostles; they used Christians as lanterns at night; they used them as sports objects in their sanguinary gladiatorial contests; they flung Christians in jail, persecuting them roughly indefinitely: The pagan Roman emperors did just about all they could to silence the voice of truth roaring from the mouths these staggering human beings, but they found out that Christianity was (and still is) like a basketball-it does not remain under water and thrives in general in the searing fire of persecution. After roughly two hundred years of poignant persecution and crucifixion and imprisonment of Christians; Constantine, a Roman Emperor, became a Christian without any proselytizing whatsoever--he did it on his own accord. The noble emperor was convinced that there had to be more to Christianity than met the eye; and, as it turned out, there was. Accordingly, Christianity was named the state religion--the supreme religion of the Roman Empire! After Rome's long, shameful, murderous campaign against innocent men and women who were just exercising their unforfeitable right to freedom of religion; the big might of Rome ultimately caved in and collapsed under the irrepressible force and power of the truth.

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And after its noble promotion by Rome itself over all other religions in the world, Christianity held sway for more than twelve hundred years: No one in his right mind had the guts to challenge the irrefutable truth of the gospel message. The Romans, closest to the transcendental resurrection of Jesus Christ in broad daylight before the eyes of men, pleaded no contest. Did anything else have a word of disapproval? Virtually no one had anything to the contrary to say with regard to the sacrosanctity and unassailability of the Christian message. The Romans had seen all the resurrection with their own eyes. Of procedure there was all the time Islam to the East, which was somewhat a challenge to the Christian message; but the Western world's relationship with Christianity allowed it to rise way above the political reach of Islam. The Western world outdistanced Moslem societies by more than ten to one; and, for the most part, world dominion was given to the West because of its unwavering reserve of the gospel message. Basal concepts in science such as insistence on proof and the scientific formula are all basically Christian ideas; in fact, Francis Bacon, a vanguard in the contemporary scientific movement; and Sir Isaac Newton, the most great scientist who ever lived; were devoted Christians. Science is a direct offspring of the Western World's relationship with Christianity; however, judging from the way most science textbooks read today, you would never know this unanswerable fact. Just colse to the close of the Renaissance; a very intriguing, intellectual movement sprang up in France and consumed the rest of Europe and, late on, North America. Jealous of Christianity's unquestioned, unecrivocal spiritual and political hegemony in Western societies; a group of intellectuals stepped forth to the podium and began to question the claims and validity of the irrefrangible Christian message.

Polar Flow Link

This most disturbing, intellectual movement focused on acquiring fresh knowledge, applying reason-driven dialogue, and understanding the secrets of the universe. Well, this writer thinks that the Romans had already figured out that the most appropriate book for comprehending the secrets of the universe was the Christian manual-the Holy Bible. The Romans, closest the indubitable resurrection of Jesus Christ, were so impressed that they used his name to divide time-Bc, before Christ and Ad or Anno Domini, in the year of our Lord. The Romans called Jesus Christ "Lord." this author thinks that if there were any citizen who ought to know the someone who knew the secrets of the universe were the Romans-they were in the middle of the action: They saw it with their own eyes. All of a sudden, these moral scoundrels of the Enlightenment period knew more than the Romans and wanted to know what the secrets of the universe were. In the process of all this chicanery and guileful maneuvering for spiritual and political power; Christianity was shoved aside, as a new age and civilization began unfolding in the West. The citizen at the forefront of this mystical, intellectual movement called themselves philosophies; as the movement had begun in France. They were an elite pool of intellectuals drawn from European society's middle class and aristocracy. These were editors, lawyers, doctors, professors, and other intellectuals from the astral circles of European society. Most of these men were deists: They used a slick, religious designation to conceal who they easily were. Closer inspection of the word deist reveals that these intellectuals were not Christians; accordingly, they created a nasty, poisonous polarization of society; and the good-evil divide greatly disrupted European life. One behold at the French Revolution; inspired by these heinous, flagitious henchmen; tells one all that he needs to know about their true identity. Merely based on the raw, unvarnished barbarity that these crooked rogues engineered in the French Revolution; their unmistakable alignment and relationship with the satanic bible and devil worship cannot be overlooked.

Polar Flow Link and Christianity's Marginalizaion in the West and Its Link to the Enlightenment Age's Philosophies
The Polar Flow Link.

History does not give us this important piece of information about these darkened occultists and rapacious villains who disrupted European society in the middle of 1650 and 1800; however, when their religious relationship is considered studied, a disturbing photograph emerges. Although the period in the middle of 1650 and 1800 is supposedly the exact timeframe of the Enlightenment Age; in all honesty, that period never easily ended. This timespan cited by most historians was merely the period during which the foundation of a new kind of French Revolution-oriented society was laid. Since the time of the French Revolution, the world has never been the same. The philosophies stole many of contemporary science's Basal principles from Christianity, as they were advanced by Christian men and had evolved out of the context of a free, Christian-oriented kind of society. The whole idea of freedom from tyranny, rule of law, the scientific method, and a host of other ideas are basically Christian in nature and origin. These ideas were stolen by the philosophies in their creation of a tortuous, new kind of society. They stole these ideas from the Christian worldview and created an exclusive club of atheists in their darkened world of what they called contemporary science. They vehemently pushed the vain, flawed big bang and evolution theories; both atheistic in nature, and stuffed and shoved them down the throat of an unsuspecting world. Once the scotch or Jack Daniels wears off, it is not hard to see where contemporary science and its machine of dishonest villains are coming from: They make themselves abundantly clear who they are. The problem is that they have shoved and stuffed all that falsehood down the throats of society's masses; who have swallowed it hook, liner, sinker, the fisherman, and his boots; thus polluting and corrupting the entire world with the garbage of their so-called contemporary science. What a shame! Additionally, not only have these dashing boys of the classroom podium rejected the Romans' resurrected Christ and Lord, they have the nerve to say that morals don't matter: Morals are irrelevant. What other evidence do you need that contemporary science is a pert yield of devil worship! It's all there: It basic trademark is brash atheism and poisonous hatred for Christianity! All the facts are there. They are not even insinuated; they are boldly spoken for the whole world to see for itself who the vanguards and exponents of contemporary science easily are.

After the French Revolution, the philosophies began to realize that their blank, blind sermon of intuit was no longer resonating with society's masses; so they quietly shifted gears and swung all the way to the other side of the ideological spectrum, pumping out one irrational principles after other behind the screen of science laboratories and in the bold mirror of social classrooms. They spewed their poisonous venom against Christianity's innocence in those tame, easily controlled classroom environments; thus turning the whole world against Christianity and capsizing the ship of natural order in society. Generation after generation of college and university students was cavalierly told that Christianity was a joke. This writer's professors told him that Christianity was an old, archaic religion that no longer had any relevance in human society. This is the God truth. These unscrupulous suckers used the big stick of grade to operate their students, and some even bartered grades for sexual favors from female students. These are matters of social record: These salacious stories are in the news just about every day. The atheistic world is a lie that cannot follow rule of law. It is a law unto its own self-the only kind of law that exists as far as it is concerned. And this is the way the dashing boys of contemporary science do business: They lie and lie and lie and pervert and distort the natural order of things. Oh what a shame! What a cruel, pathetic shame!

What a breath-taking disgrace that has been wrought at the hands of these so-called founders of contemporary science; nonetheless, the Enlightenment's philosophies and their venal, brawny team of contemporary scientists cannot take all the blame for the fading of the gospel in the West. There have been other forces, not necessarily related to the contemporary science conspiracy of fraud against the Christian religion. Western civilization's inextricable tie to Christianity cannot be concealed, as it was supposedly the important driving force behind Europe's imperial domination of most of today's Third World countries during the age of Imperialism. When Cortes went into Mexico, he pulled no bones about his clear, unmistakable mission to change the devil worshipers there--who, at the time, were Aztecs-to Christianity; so there is no need for contemporary scientists to act as if the West never knew anything about the Christian religion. In the process of converting these pagan cultures to Christianity, quite a bit of transfusion of their cultural ideas to Westerners took place; accordingly, Christianity itself began to be diluted and polluted. In time, fervent Westerners lost much of their ardor for spreading the gospel and became more consumed with the profligate matters of empire building and the day to day affairs of the Mercantile System. Indeed, much proselytizing did occur; and many colonies, both in Africa and the West Indies, adopted the Christian worldview. Even the United States claimed that it went into Hawaii to change the Hawaiian devils to Christianity. America should be ashamed of itself to advocate unnatural policies contrary to Christianity and to snub he gospel message. Shame on you America! Oh what a shame. You have back slid and fallen from thy spiritual pedestal of nobility and grandeur to the dark, acheronic cave of witchcraft an d devil worship. Oh shame on you, America. How dare you disrespect and dishonor the God that you once served!

In increasing to contemporary science's crass rejection of the Bible, there were other troops at work in the steep decline of Christianity's hegemony and America's frightening back slip and nerve-wracking moral decline. Westernization of the world, fueled by power-hunger and greed, generated amazing imperial wealth; particularly to Western European countries, which began to lose their Christian focus in the process. As the Westernization of the world proceeded with much frenzied rapidly towards the close of the nineteenth century and all the way to the middle of the twentieth century; broad global changes, which had a grand impact on the world's major cultures, began to transpire. The rapid rise of multinational corporations in the twentieth century, especially after World War Ii, was one the major game changers for the Christian religion. Enterprise concerns fostered a more tolerant sociocultural environment in the world as a whole. Accordingly, Christianity's exclusive message and monopoly on truth became less and less tolerated by major Western countries. In other words, countries like Great Britain, Canada, and the United States gradually but easily began to snub the Christian message in favor of doing Enterprise with countries which the Bible deemed pagan, gentile nations. These gentile countries typically tended to have antichristian, polytheistic religious philosophies; which, of course, the major Western countries plainly ignored. And today, all the chickens have come home roast in the West. It does not take rocket science to see that the West has lost its way in the world. It is manifestly safe bet that something way of the commonplace is wrong with the West. Paradoxically, many former pagan countries which have adopted a Christian worldview, even only in part, are spanking Western countries front and back. Today, China has over three hundred and seventy million Christians stuffed away in incommunicable churches, hiding from the authorities. The result: China is rapidly becoming the world's most grand nation regardless of what America does. America switched to darkness, and all the wealth that Christianity brought her has left: China has embraced Christianity, even just in part; and all the wealth of the world has been flowing into the coffers of Chinese society. I wonder: How clearer does the message have to get for blind citizen in the West to see and understand how the world easily works. Things have switched colse to in the world; China is now sending missionaries to witchcraft-peddling America. What a shame: What a disgrace!

The rapid rise of multinational corporations has played a lusty role in the fading of the gospel in the West. These giant corporations' immense, wealth-generating power produced an elite aristocracy which dabbles in other world religions and hazardous occultic practices. In this same vein, the rise of globalism knitted all the world's economies into one colossal, interdependent fiscal machine. This technocratic change produced even more intermingling in the middle of Western countries, which were once predominantly Christian in worldview, and pagan societies that were largely polytheistic and antichristian in their philosophical disposition. As a result, Western countries; for the sake of international trade benefits, began to distance themselves from the tangled web of Christianity's exclusivism. At this juncture, it is important to point out a rather grand fact: While all these changes and switching maneuvers have been transpiring, few have noticed how closely all these changes in world politics have been lining up with the Book of Revelation. But, you see: that is exactly what is wrong with the world; it does not dot its I's and cross its T's. Man has failed to make the connections that are so important to understanding what is easily going on in this world. At the same time all this is happening, computers have been shoved to the forefront; and virtually all today is computerized. This is other Book of Revelation relationship that few have noticed, and the dramatic rise of evil in the world is a frightening alarm bell that, just behind the corner, the philosophies of the French Revolution are about to attack again. In the meantime, society has been getting darker and stranger than ever before.

At the same time all of these tenebrous changes are transpiring in the world, freedoms of all kinds are gradually drying up just about everywhere. Preachers of the gospel are cavalierly told what they can say and what they cannot say; in fact, new laws, carrying stiff prison terms for preaching the Bible; are already on the books. Hate speech nowadays can be defined as someone merely exercising his First Amendment Rights, muttering to a friend from a behind door that he disagrees with sodomy and loathes the idea of gay marriage. That kind of rhetoric is now considered hate speech. Well, citizen are called ugly all the time: Is that hate speech? No, that is commonplace speech in our progressive American society. Come on, be a good sport; how could that be hate speech! You get the drift of which way things are going, don't you? Such preposterous perversion of rule of law is what's already on the Books, with more coming down the pipe. Where are the demonstrations in the streets? There aren't any. This is the sort of thing that fuels senseless civil wars in unwise human societies. The upshot of all of these brakes on moral endeavors is a society that, sooner or later, will inescapably unravel; and when it does, woe be unto those who are alive! Plugging up the mouth of the gospel is tampering with the mouthpiece of God himself. You don't even need very good vision to see what is happening in America. The violent beast of nature has been uprooting the pillars of American society one by one. Gradually, America has been falling apart one day at a time.

In increasing to the Enlightenment's philosophies' indirect tampering with Christianity straight through contemporary science's lies and deceitful practices, and government's phony manipulation of the law to bescreen their naked lies and perversion of the natural order of things; there have also been direct attacks on the Christian Faith by a new breed of philosophies. These ingenious machines of evil have joined the Christian Church in America and other Western countries under the phony umbrage of converting to the one true religion; moreover, many have even started Christian Churches, wiping the slate clean from the Bible and inventing brand new theologies. They have easily cast away the basic tenets of the gospel and introduced fresh, ear-tickling doctrines-foreign to the Bible-into the Christian Church. The result: A immense watering down of the gospel message and a burgeoning proliferation of Christian Churches that have easily no impact on, and make no variation in, society. The decline of Christianity in America, in particular, is due in general to this type of tampering with the gospel. These twenty first-century philosophies know exactly what they are doing: They are bent on destroying the integrity of the gospel message-and they have done just that! The rise of occultism in America and Christian leaders' rank inability to deal with it and to Christianize society speak volumes.

This sort of spiritual wickedness also coincides with the eerie rise of rock stardom and gimmickry in the Christian Church of America. This new generation of philosophies is even wiser and more lupine than their contemporary science counterparts. They do not express any outward animosity towards the gospel message-they are the dashing preachers of the day. They plainly toss the Bible out the way and drop the bomb of godlessness on innocent, unsuspecting, church-attending people; whose wallets are cavalierly snatched by passing the contribution buckets more than a dozen times in a singular service. These dashing boys of guile and gimmickry know how to hoop: they know how to raise their voices and gargle their throats to stir up the congregation like a wino's ice in a glass of wine. While all this is going on; the brash introduction of a flawed societal notion stream has done the rest of the damage.

The sudden appearance of rogue ideas such as tolerance, political correctness, and moral relativism has done incalculable, irredeemable damage both to society and the Christian Church. This new notion stream's speech-censuring mechanism has been very productive at retention Christianity at bay-that is exactly what it was designed to do! In short, a brash machinery of speech manipulation and tampering with the dissemination of the gospel along with the vulpine tricks of contemporary science have virtually huffed and puffed the light of the gospel out of view. Oh how sad; how pathetic! In the meantime though, the catastrophic consequences of all this perverse wheeling and dealing behind the scenes of Western civilization have been clear just about everywhere. The news is awash with tears; citizen are crying and sobbing everywhere. American society is in trouble, and the issue is showing up all over the place. Saddled with a fifteen trillion-dollar debt, Republicans and Democrats fight like animals in a dogfight gone wrong. This writer wonders: Who they are trying to fool-certainly not those who can plainly see the writings on the walls "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Uphrasin!" Oh dashing philosophies of America, you are steering the ship of this country in the wrong direction; you better turn around, but this author knows that you won't. citizen who can see far into the time to come are not terrorists; they are just wise, humble servants and soldiers of truth. America, the door of doom is closing in on you, turn colse to before it's too late-Mene, Mene, Tekel, Uphrasin! The God of the heavens; not me, America; leaves you to shape out the rest!

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